Special Loan Programs

Empower your business with BankWest, an SBA Preferred Lender.

We're your go-to SBA lender.

Fixed or variable rates available.
Options for low down payments.
We are an SBA Preferred Lender.

SBA Loans

As an SBA (Small Business Administration) Preferred Lender, we partner with the SBA to provide loans with minimal down payments, fixed or variable rates, and extended terms to qualifying customers. SBA-guaranteed loans generally have rates and fees comparable to non-guaranteed loans. As an experienced SBA lender, we’ll help counsel and educate you on your loan.

Disclosure All loans are subject to credit approval.

Helping you cultivate financial success

Here are 10 things for your business to review to keep safe from cyber fraud.

Here are some important tips to consider to help protect your information.

Smooth, reliable payment processing is here.

People carry less cash these days. We can help.