Add Up
Use your debit card. Boost your savings!
With Add Up, your debit card transactions automatically boost your savings.
Why Add Up?
With Add Up, you automatically boost your savings by making debit card transactions. It’s like throwing your spare change in a jar and bringing it to the bank … but, so much easier!
How it Works – Step 1
Use your debit card. Each time you make a debit card purchase, we calculate the amount needed to round the purchase up to the nearest dollar and set that amount aside for savings.
How it Works – Step 2
Boost your savings. At the end of each day, the total you’ve set aside by rounding up to the nearest dollar is “Added Up” and transferred from your checking account to your savings account.
You must have a personal BankWest checking account, debit card, and savings account to enroll.
Add Up Enrollment Form
By enrolling in Add Up, you are enrolling all debit cards associated with your checking account for this service. If there are not sufficient funds available in your checking account, or if a previous transaction has overdrawn your checking account, purchases will not be rounded up and the Add Up transfer will be cancelled for that day. There is no daily limit on the number of transactions that can be rounded up per day.
Disclosure A personal BankWest checking account, debit card and savings account are required to enroll in Add Up.
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