Commercial Real Estate Loans

From construction loans to permanent financing, we offer a full spectrum of commercial real estate loans.

Our loans are designed to help your business grow.

Flexible terms available.
Low money-down & low monthly payment options.
Fast, local lending decisions.

Why a BankWest commercial real estate loan?

Our commercial lending experts can help your business acquire or improve property to support your operations and growth. With low money-down and low monthly payment options, we can help your business finance:

  • Apartments
  • Retail centers
  • Office buildings
  • Office warehouse facilities
  • Industrial buildings

Disclosure All loans are subject to credit approval.

Helping you cultivate financial success

Here are 10 things for your business to review to keep safe from cyber fraud.

Here are some important tips to consider to help protect your information.

Smooth, reliable payment processing is here.

People carry less cash these days. We can help.