Direct Deposits & Automatic Payments

With ClickSWITCH, you can easily switch your direct deposits and automatic payments to BankWest.

Make the switch to BankWest!

Switch over direct deposits, recurring payments & cards.
Follow easy steps to enroll online.
Initiate a direct deposit or automatic payment switch to BankWest anytime.

Getting Started with ClickSWITCH

  1. Gather information such as your account numbers, payment amounts, and billers’ addresses for the items you wish to switch.
  2. Enroll in ClickSWITCH. From the BankWest Online Banking menu, choose SERVICES > DIRECT DEPOSIT SWITCH. Once enrolled, you’ll receive a welcome email containing an activation code.
  3. Follow the online steps for entering your direct deposit and/or payment information.
  4. Allow ClickSWITCH to automatically contact payment sources and billers to switch your information to your BankWest account.*
  5. Monitor the progress and completion of your switch requests using the STATUS tab within ClickSWITCH.

*NOTE: Some employers require direct deposit switches to be completed through direct contact. In these cases, ClickSWITCH will inform you of these requirements.


Anytime. ClickSWITCH can be used anytime you want to switch a direct deposit or automatic payment to BankWest.

You can switch recurring direct deposits and automatic payments from your previous financial institution account to your new bank account. You can also initiate the closing of accounts at your financial institution using ClickSWITCH.

ClickSWITCH only requests and stores the minimal amount of data required to complete a switch. This information consists of the same details you would see on a blank check. In addition to the user’s name, address, bank account, and routing number, a phone number and email address are also collected.

For the account holder, submitting a switch can take as little as about 90 seconds. Once submitted, ClickSWITCH provides a status page where you can review the most current information regarding your switch. The length of time it takes for a switch to be fully processed depends on a variety of factors and ranges from an instantaneous switch to a few days.

ClickSWITCH has completed an SSAE 16 SOC 2® Type II engagement, the internationally recognized third-party assurance for service organizations. This is the most widely accepted compliance initiative, providing an independent evaluation to compare internal controls and processes against IT and risk management frameworks, such as COBIT and COSO.

Need additional assistance?

Please call our eBanking Center at 605-224-7391 or 800-253-0362, or visit your nearest BankWest location.


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